jueves, 16 de mayo de 2019

State of the Art of Silk Biomaterials for Bioengineering

Silk Biomed S.L. tiene el placer de invitarles al Mini Symposium: "State of the Art of Silk Biomaterials for Bioengineering" que tendrá lugar en la Ciudad Universitaria de Madrid ETS Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos ( Sala de Seminarios) el viernes 24 de Mayo 2019 a las 10.00h.
Invitado especial del evento el profesor David Kaplan (Tufts University, Boston).

El programa detallado del evento:

viernes, 18 de enero de 2019

Silk Biomaterial Could Regenerate the Brain After a Stroke

A group of researchers in Spain has developed a silk biomaterial that can increase the survival of transplanted stem cells into the brain, improving recovery after a stroke or brain injury.

The nervous system has limited capacity to recover after an injury, such as those produced by a stroke or brain trauma. Stem cell transplants are a promising therapy to promote regeneration of the brain by reducing the extent of the damage and promoting the remodeling of the brain. However, most of the cells don’t survive the procedure due to the inflammatory environment created in the brain after an injury.